Reception - Peach: Blog items

Church assembly, by Miss Caldwell

Date: 4th Jul 2019 @ 1:00pm

We are all proud of the way in which all the reception performed in our class assembly. They were absolutely brilliant. It is such a privilage to have seen them grow and develop since September, watching as their personalities have changed. We hope you enjoyed hearing about all their favourite memories from their first year in school.


We are now looking forward to our trip to the Blue planet aquarium!

Billys Bucket, by Miss Caldwell

Date: 4th Jul 2019 @ 12:56pm

Plum class have had a fantastic morning innovating our story map of Billy's bucket. We have practiced reading and performing it as a class. Maybe they could tell you the story when they get home. Miss Caldwell is very proud of how hard they all worked as a team this morning to create our new story. They then went and worked independently to create their own versions of 'Billy's bucket'. Well done Plum class!

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