Extra-Curricular Activities

At Wharton C of E Primary School we offer a breadth of extra-curricular opportunities that seeks to develop potential in all children that goes beyond the statutory requirements of the curriculum thus enabling children to become proficient and excel in activities individually or as part of a team. The type of extra-curricular activities we offer are:

  • Choir
  • Sports clubs run by KIXX education include - Dodgeball, Tennis, Gymnastics, Street Dance, Football and Cricket/Rounders and Multi-sports
  • Art
  • Craft
  • Cooking
  • Board games
  • Story-telling and drama
  • Arithmetic
  • Science
  • The Ethos group and School Council

Where appropriate in enhancing the curriculum children may access a residential opportunity. Children also access town wide initiatives with the Winsford Education Partnership (WEP) including the year 5 Christmas Cantata, work with the Poverty Truth Commission, Wellbeing workers within the town, Road Safety Officers, Pupil Forum with a focus on equality and diversity and raising aspirations.  


T Theology R Relationships A Attitude and Aspirations I Inspire N next Steps.

Train up a child in the way they should go and when they are old they will not depart from it. Proverbs 22 v 6

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