Year 2 - Damson and Cherry 2024 - 2025
Our Christian Value this half-term is "Perseverance"
Happy New Year to all our friends and Family
We hope you have all had a wonderful Christmas break with your families and we look forward to lots of fun learning as we start 2025.
We will be Learning about explorers in History, The seven continents of the world and thier surrounding oceans in Geography and Materials in Science - See the Topic overview for more information. You will also find this terms homework projects, which are very exciting. We can't wait for you to share all your wonderful knowledge and activities you have carried out at home.
Your child has logins for Timestables Rockstars and our computing programme Purple Mash in the front of their reading diaries. A letter was sent home in thier reading folder with the information for both programmes. The children will start their timestables challenges this half term starting with the 10 times tables. They must be able to answer 24/30 questions in two minutes and fifteen seconds. Once they have done this three times they will move onto their fives and then their twos.
Cherry Class teacher - Mrs Sullivan
Damson Class teacher - Miss Dixon
Year 2 Teaching Assistants - Mrs Naisbitt and Mrs Van Nierop
Miss Caldwell PPA cover - Tuesday afternoon
Our doors open at 8.45am, ready to start our learning at 9.00am, and home time for Year Two is 3.15pm.
PE for BOTH classes is on a Tuesday (indoor) and Thursday (outdoor) every week. Please come to school dressed in your PE kits on these days. Please ensure your child does not wear earrings on these days and they are dressed appropriately for the weather outside.
READING - Your child will be given a new phonically decodable reading book each Thursday, which they will keep and read as often as possible at home, before returning it to school the following Monday. You child will also bring home a 'sharing book', which they will not be able to read on their own - this book is to read to and share with your child to develop a love of reading. Please keep these books in the plastic folder provided in your child's book bag (no back-packs please, as we have limited space on our coat pegs - thank you).
SPELLING - Your child will bring home new spellings each Thursday and be tested on the following Wednesday.
Maths Timestables maths
Art / Music
Our school promotes life in all it's fullness through the acromyn TRAIN
T is for Theology – Christian teaching as a faith school is rooted in the Bible, the teachings, and the life of Jesus supported by the Heartsmart principles and our Christian values.
R is for relationships, those we have with each other in school and our families. The relationship we have with God through faith and our understanding of the trinity. (God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit)
A is for aspirations and attitude, a desire for children and adults in school to experience life in all its fullness both academically and emotionally and socially, with an understanding of Gods purpose for us through his teaching in the bible. Attitudes that are positive so that children and adults can be successful in all that they hope to achieve.
I is for inspire! How do we, can we, should we, inspire each other every day to be the best that we can be in all our interactions and endeavours?
N is for next steps on our journey – whatever that may be for children and adults - that the experiences at Wharton CE have prepared them to take any next step with confidence and a secure foundation rooted in proverbs 22 v 6.