Year 5 - Elm & Willow 2024 - 2025
This Half Term's Christian Value: Justice
Our HeartSmart Principles: Don't Forget to Let Love In, Too Much Selfie Isn't Healthy, Don't Rub it In, Rub it Out, Fake is a Mistake, No Way Through Isn't True
PE Days: Elm and Willow - Monday (outdoors) & Tuesday (indoors) Please ensure you come school in the correct PE kit (black/blue shorts, white t-shirt and black trainers/pumps) on these days.
Spellings: We will give new spellings out, and have our spelling quiz, each Friday.
Computing & Online Safety An important part of our computing curriculum is ensuring that children know how to stay safe, responsible and respectful online. During Year 5, we cover a unit about online safety, but we also revisit this important topic throughout the year. Below are links to some websites that you might find useful to help teach your children about online safety, and some that you may find useful for yourself. The Think U Know and Internet Matters websites have a wealth of guides, videos and resources to help children stay safe online, and they are helpfully categorised appropriately by age band. They also have advice and guides for parents too. Here are the websites that Year 5 will be accessing: Maths: No Problem Times Tables Rock Stars Top Marks Nrich Purple Mash Key Stage History Heart Smart Picture News Charanga BBC Bitsize Access Art Language Angels
Meet the Year 5 Team: Mr Hermansen Mrs Griffiths Mrs Hitchen If you need to contact us, please message Mr Hermansen or Mrs Griffiths on the relevant class email, or catch up with us at the classroom door.
'Train up a child in the way they should go and when they are old they will not depart from it.' Proverbs 22 v6 |